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What You Need to Know about the Benefits of Cold Plunge Pools

What You Need to Know about the Benefits of Cold Plunge Pools

Originating in ancient Roman times, cold plunge pools have recently experienced a resurgence. Known to be uncommonly relaxing, cold plunge pools are more than a novelty. Many athletes swear by them, and wellness spas often feature cold plunge pools.

In the following, we will examine the primary benefits of cold plunge pools and determine whether they are right for you.

Reducing muscle soreness

Cold plunge pools are typically maintained at temperatures of between 50 and 55 degrees. While this may not seem particularly cold, once your body is immersed, you will feel frigid. Cold plunge pools offer many benefits, and most can be achieved when moving from a hot environment like a sauna to a cold plunge pool. The extreme change in temperature quickly cools the body down and stimulates circulation. Immersing yourself in cold water increases blood flow to your vital organs. As a result, the heart will pump more efficiently in order to push blood through your vessels and supply your body with needed nutrients and oxygen. This will help to promote healthy blood circulation.

For athletes or others with joint stiffness, cold plunge pools can prove effective in minimizing soreness, strained muscles, and other types of pain. For this reason, many professional and amateur athletes rely on cold plunge pools.

While cold plunge pools are generally used in commercial environments such as health clubs and spas, the tubs can also be installed in residential settings, much like hot tubs. Having a cold plunge pool at home can help you to become acclimated to the low temperature and can be used to augment treatment for a variety of ailments, ranging from arthritis to anxiety. Proponents of cold plunge pools tout their benefits not only for the body, but also for the mind, so having one in your home can prove beneficial.

Boosting the immune system

pool towel

When moving from a hot environment to a cold one, your body experiences a number of physiological changes. The reduction in temperature results in a numbing effect around the joints; reduces inflammation in the muscles; and serves to release endorphins, the body’s natural pain reliever. Due to the increase in endorphins, cold plunge pools could prevent depression.

The cold temperature can also cause the body to release immune-boosting chemicals called cytokines, which can help the body to battle viruses and harmful bacteria.
Moreover, research has shown that cold plunge pools may stabilize blood pressure.

Increasing metabolism

Another benefit of cold plunge pools is that they could potentially boost metabolism and help people to lose weight. The extreme temperature can result in increased energy, which may encourage people to exercise more, thus leading to weight loss.

In addition, according to a study on metabolism, immersion in cold water could help to increase brown fat, which is considered “good fat.” Cold plunge pools could thus help to reduce the white fat, which is also known as the “bad fat,” leading to weight loss.

Cold plunge pools can also prove beneficial to your skin. Since cold water doesn’t spur your pores to open up and release oils, you will not have to deal with breakouts. As a result, your skin will be smooth and moist.

Best candidates for cold plunge pools

It is no secret that many professional and semi-pro athletes regularly use cold plunge pools to prevent injury and accelerate recovery as a result of overworked muscles. However, cold plunge pools are beneficial for a variety of individuals, even those who exercise for recreation.

Through exercise, the body’s muscles develop small tears in the fibers that heal over the next 24 to 48 hours. When a person engages in high-intensity exercise or is reintroduced to exercise after a long period of inactivity, it is common to develop delayed onset muscle soreness. Since cold plunge pools reduce inflammation in the body, tired muscles can be repaired more quickly and a person may experience less pain.

Essentially, anyone who engages in regular exercise can benefit from a cold plunge pool after a workout. A cold plunge pool can be used to cool off after a tough workout and prevent the soreness that is common when people push themselves to their physical limits. Using both a cold plunge pool and a sauna can offer even more benefits, so people may want to consider installing both of these in their homes.

Cold plunge pools remain popular among athletes and are gaining traction among the general population who want to reap their benefits.